Newsletter N°22

July– September - 2021


Dr.Rym Fayala,

Head of office UNFPA Tunisia.

A Diversified program to meet the needs of the most vulnerable

It is with great pleasure that we share with you our newsletter for the 3rd quarter of 2021.

Another quarter filled with challenges, achievements and lessons learned. A time when we were able to collaborate with our partners to move towards the achievement of zero violence against women, zero preventable maternal mortality and zero unmet need for family planning by 2030 and to contribute to the implementation of the plan of action of the International Conference on Population and Development. We are proud to have been able to serve the most vulnerable: Girls and women victims of violence, migrants, people with disabilities, adolescents and young people.

In the fight of violence against women and gender equity, we continued to support care centers for women victims of violence and we also collaborated with the National Office of the Family and the Population in the training of 70 health personnel in the care of women and girl’s victims of sexual violence.

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Promoting gender Equality during the Tunisian Women Day

Online training on the clinical care for women and girls victims of sexual violence

Sexual and

GBV care’s integration in SRH centers: building the capacities of SRH services providers.

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“SEE THE SIGNS”: detection of trafficking in humans training for GBV care centers.

Open Days for Migrants in Médenine


Building capacity in Evidence Based

Celebrating the International Youth Day in Tunisia

Towards a better participation of young people in civic and political life

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Ibsar: Association for the
Culture and Leisure of blind
and visually impaired people

Zoom On

The implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Tunisia.

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UNFPA, United Nations
Population Fund

Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted,every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

For more information :

UNFPA Tunisia - 54, Av Tahar Ben Achour, Mutuelleville,
1082 Tunis
Tél.: (216)71 282 383/384 -