Promoting gender Equality during the Tunisian Women Day


Tunisian national women's day

In celebration of the Tunisian National Women's Day, held on August 13 of each year, the United Nations Population Fund in Tunisia and the Ministry of Women, Family, Children and seniors, paid tribute to all Tunisian women through a digital campaign, honoring women who were able to break through despite all the challenges they had to face throughout their journeys.

The campaign consisted of the production of five videos representing five different women whose work made a difference in their fields, and who represent a true inspiration for all.

The campaign also involved the production of a music video of an homage to Tunisian women through a hymn sung by the great Tunisian artist Lofi Bouchnek.

The videos were shared on the official web pages of the ministry, and UNFPA Tunisia’s Youtube channel and Facebook page. In addition, the music video was broadcast on the national television channel on August 13 and the weekend that followed.

The National Women day was also an occasion to broadcast a short movie on GBV among adolescent girls produced by UNFPA in collaboration with the CREDIF and to support a National Conference on gender equality to combat GBV.


Online training on the clinical care for women and girls victims of sexual violence


Online training on clinical care for women and girls victims of sexual violence

UNFPA Tunisia, in partnership with the National Office for Family and Population, and with the financial support of the government of Japan, conducted two online training session on the clinical care for women victims of sexual violence. The trainings are part of UNFPA’s efforts to strengthen national capacities in the care for gender-based violence (GBV) victims, that started in December 2016, with an inventory of the existing documentation in terms of training for health care professionals in Tunisia. One of the inventory’s recommendations consists of the implementation of a national training plan on the care for women and girls victims of violence, to be deployed on 3 levels as follows:

  • Level 1 : Awareness-raising on GBV
  • Level 2 : Detection of GBV and listening to GBV victims
  • Level 3 : Clinical care for victims of sexual violence

The two training sessions benefitted over 60 mid-wives and doctors from varied medical specialties. Due to the high demand for this training among medical practitioners, UNFPA and ONFP have planned a third session in November 2021.