Newsletter N°20

January – March - 2021


Dr. Rym Fayala,

Head of office UNFPA Tunisia.

Yet, another year full of prospects and challenges for UNFPA, which works to ensure that sexual and reproductive rights for all are guaranteed especially in times of COVID19 and contributes to ensure that no one is left behind in development programs.

A particularly important year, as we are entering our 10th cycle of cooperation with Tunisia through our country program 2021 - 2025 and which opens up new perspectives of cooperation taking into account the context, opportunities and potential risks.

It is within this framework that UNFPA Tunisia Country Office will work to contribute to the achievement of its 3 transformative results by 2030: Zero preventable maternal deaths, Zero Gender-based violence and Zero unmet needs in Family Planning. To do this, UNFPA will place particular emphasis in its new CPD on 4 major results:

- Strengthening national capacities to ensure equitable access to integrated quality sexual and reproductive health services for women, adolescents and young people, including in humanitarian and emergency situations; - Strengthening national capacities to ensure equitable access to integrated quality sexual and reproductive health services for women, adolescents and young people, including in humanitarian and emergency situations;

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Impact of incest from
childhood to adulthood

Sexual and

The finalization of the
2021-2030 SRH national plan

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For better visibility and
awareness about migration
and migrants rights


A hotline for psychologica
support for young people
impacted by COVID19

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The National Union for
Tunisian Women (UNFT)

Zoom on

UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund Closure- Strengthening social protection and economic relief systems for vulnerable and marginalized segments of the population as a response to COVID-19

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UNFPA, United Nations
Population Fund

Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted,every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

For more information :

UNFPA Tunisia - 54, Av Tahar Ben Achour, Mutuelleville,
1082 Tunis
Tél.: (216)71 282 383/384 -