Continued commitment to the ICPD


Dr.Rym Fayala,
Head of office, UNFPA Tunisia
© UNFPA Tunisia.

The UNFPA office in Tunisia is entering its second year of implementation of its Country Programme 2021-2025. With its various partners, including the Ministry of Health, the DSSB, the ONFP, the INSP, the Youth Observatory, The Ministry of the Family, of Women, Children and Seniors, the Ministry of the Economy and Planning, the CREDIF, The Observatory for Prevention of Violence Against Women, the INS, the Associations Beity, ATFD, ATSR, ADGS, TAMSS, ADDCI, IADH, INJED, the 2022 Action Plan, will contribute to the implementation of UNFPA's recently adopted new Strategic Plan 2022-2026, which aims to reduce preventable maternal deaths, reduce gender-based violence and decrease unmet need for family planning.

The first 4 months of this year were devoted to joint planning with our partners and the start of the implementation of activities aimed at combating violence against women, improving the collection of civil registration and vital statistics including the causes of death, the initiation of the youth information system, strengthening the capacities of midwives for better care of maternal health and continued efforts to improve migrants' access to SRH information and services.

UNFPA and its partners commit this year to continue efforts to implement the ICPD Action Plan and the Nairobi commitments.