Take advantage of the short break on COVID-19 upsurge and preparing for emergencies

During the third quarter of 2020, Tunisia experienced a lull in the COVID-19 epidemic, which made it possible to resume routine activities while continuing preparations to face the expected second wave of SARS-COV2.

Restitution of the results of the study on access to SRH services


Restitution of the results of the study on access to SSR services

During the third quarter of 2020, Tunisia experienced a lull in the COVID-19 epidemic, which made it possible to resume routine activities while continuing preparations to face the expected second wave of SARS-COV2.

In order to have a better understanding and an in-depth analysis of the factors that have contributed to the decline in indicators related to contraceptive prevalence and the increase of unmet need for contraception, UNFPA in partnership with the National Office of Family and Population (ONFP) conducted a national study on access to SRH services with an emphasis on the availability, accessibility, and quality of the offer of family planning services through the evaluation of service delivery systems in the three levels of care (primary, secondary and tertiary). The study also explored the knowledge, practices, and attitudes of health care providers as well as the perception of the population on the quality of services provided, both in urban and rural areas.

The restitution of the results of this study and the discussion of the recommendations with the stakeholders took place through two workshops, one face-to-face on October 6 and a virtual one on October 20th, 2020, which brought together national experts from different backgrounds, in addition to representatives of the Ministery of Health, clinicians from first, second and third lines health facilities, academics and representatives of non-governmental organizations took part in this restitution.

Awareness spot on the importance of continuity of SRH services during the COVID-19 pandemic


SSR video response Covid

As part of its effort to maintain the mobilization of the population and guarantee their access to essential health services, UNFPA has produced an audio-visual spot which reminds the general population that health facilities continue to provide SRH services, emphasizing the continuity of access to contraception and safe abortion care, two services that were the most impacted during confinement. This spot has been translated into sign language.