Health sector training of trainers to improve the care of women and girls survivors to Violence
© UNFPA Tunisia
As part of the joint program on Essential Package to improve the care of women and girls survivors to violence and the implementation of the national capacity-building plan for health professionals, that have foreseen the training of these professionals on listening, orientation and care of survivors; a training module 2 has been developed. A training of trainers’ session targeting around 30 trainers was organized by the National Board for Family and Population, with the support of the UNFPA on 16-17-18 April 2018.
This training, ensured by two international consultants, aimed at:
- •Remind the elements seen during the training of module 1 on violence against women: key figures, definition of violence, strategy of the aggressor, causes of violence, their consequences, the specificities of the survivors’ welcoming.
- •Identify the different stages of a counseling session with a survivor and the posture to adopt: listen / receive, secure, assess / clarify / inform, validate / valorize through several educational tools that would assess the danger situation for the victim and know what professionals can or cannot do, especially in case of danger.
- •Identify the available tools: the medical certificate, the referral letter for doctors and other health professionals who cannot deliver a medical certificate, the report and the specific tool in case of rape.
- •Make simulations through role plays on the situations of a professional who receives several women victims but also by putting in situation of woman victim who meets several doctors. The aim is to activate automatic care and to be aware of the difficulty for women victims to talk about the violence they encountered in order to put it in the most favorable position and therefore improving quality of care.
Following this training of trainers, other sessions will be organized locally for health professionals who will be in charge of these services or called in the framework of their activities to deal with women survivors of violence.
Civil society and government engaged against GBV
© UNFPA Tunisia
In the occasion of International Women's Rights Day, the civil society Charter and Memorandum for quality and coordinated services for women victims of violence (WVV), were published on March 7th 2019 during a round table organized by Beity with UNFPA support.
Those reference documents result from a collaborative work initiated by civil society organizations (CSOs), UNFPA and all the UN agencies involved in the Joint Program for the improvement of services for women and girls victim of violence, supported financially by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) since 2017.
The Memorandum aims to:
- •Highlight the CSOs point of view on the prerequisites of a multisectoral coordinated and quality services,
- •Alert decision-makers to challenges in the care system for WVV,
- •Advocate solutions for improving services and make recommendations for various stakeholders including the Tunisian government.
The charter defines and highlights the CSOs fundamental values for care services for WVV and / or in vulnerable situations, in accordance with international standards including the respect of women's human rights, security and dignity, without any discrimination.
During this round table the participants insisted on the need of the government’s engagement to provide an institutional and financial support to civil society as well as a better coordination system.