Multi-sectorial Adolescent
and Youth Health Promotion
Strategy in Tunisia validated
© UNFPA Tunisia
The 14th of December 2018, and with the Presence of the Ministry of Health and more than 45 participants from different ministries, CSO, youth and experts, the multi-sectorial Adolescent and Youth (A&Y) Health Promotion Strategy has been validated. UNFPA, supported, the Ministry of health in the development of this multi-sectorial Strategy through national and regional consultative workshops. Adolescent and Young people has been actively involved in this process. The strategy aims to reduce the mortality and morbidity among adolescents and youth taking into considerations their needs and this will go through the following strategic orientations:
- •Increasing knowledge and understanding of the A&Y health
- •Promoting the health of A&Y in the living environments
- •Strengthening the offer of services and improve the effectiveness of early detection, organized screening and management programs
- •Ensuring a favorable multi-sectoral policy and institutional environment for the implementation of the A&Y health strategy
In 2019, the process will continue with the development of the strategy's operational plan.
Towards the development of
a Comprehensive Sexuality
Education Program in Tunisia
© UNFPA Tunisia
Sexuality is a major component of our well-being and quality of life and to access fulfilling sexuality, it is essential to have access to good and comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) based on respect of human rights. It is in this context that UNFPA, in partnership with The Arab Institute for Human Rights and The Tunisian Association of Reproductive Health, have set up an experts committee on CSE. The committee gathered together experts from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Women, Family and Children, Ministry of Health, The Tunisian General Labour Union, The Tunisian Society of Clinical Sexology and a youth peer education for Y-PEER Network.
This committee will be working together to develop a referential on CSE that will be elaborated in a participatory, culturally sensitive, gender-responsive and human rights-based approach and that meet internationally agreed standards.
The objective is to provide young people with age-appropriate education on human rights, gender equality, relationships, sexual and reproductive health; but also to present sexuality positively, emphasizing values such as respect, inclusion, non-discrimination, equality and responsibility.